Experiment Report of Colorectal Cancer and Leukopenia 2022-11-07

Experiment Report of Colorectal Cancer
SEH® 997 concentrated solution has passed various animal tests by the Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB), Taiwan, which is a government grants organization whose managing director is the President of Academia Sinica, Taiwan. In the animal tests, mice were injected with chemotherapy drugs, such as 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) and Cisplatin. DCB lab confirmed the SEH® 997 Concentrated Solution can protect the liver function, and increase the White Blood Cell (WBC) numbers of mice by 1.8~3 times, Lymphocytes 1.2~4.7 times, Monocytes 1.8~11.3 times, and Granulocyte 2.1~3 times. Also, by using SEH® 997 with 5FU chemotherapy, tumors can be shrunk by 4-6 times compared with using 5FU chemotherapy alone. Meanwhile, DCB also confirmed when mice were injected with the Taxol chemotherapy drug, SEH® 997 can minimize the side effect such as arrhythmias leading to cardiac hypertrophy, which may cause an increase in organ weights, such as heart, liver, spleen, and kidney, while reliving pain caused by Taxol.

Also, in the Cytokine experiments, DCB confirmed SEH® 997 concentrated solution has the effect of decreasing expression of human IL-8, IL-6, IL-1RA TNF-α Cytokine and suppressing mouse G-CSF(p<0.05), IL-6, IL-12(p70) and human IL-12(p70) Cytokine expression.

White Blood Cell Tests
SEH Biotechnology CO., LTD has consigned the Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB), Taiwan to accomplish the Cisplatin-induced leucopenia model (Experiment 1) confirmed that after mice administered “Cisplatin” on day 0, in the first 3 days, administration of G-CSF white blood cell growth hormone for comparison with the SEH®997 concentrated solution with Top Spring® Life Energy Water (Eat SEH 997® for 7 days in advance) and SEH®997 concentrated solution with RO purified water (Eat SEH 997® for 7 days in advance), on the seventh day we conduct complete blood cell (CBC) count and differential blood cell (DC) count, results are as the following:

The experimental results show that the mice which had SEH®997 Concentrated Solution and Top Spring® Life Energy Water for the preceding seven days in the second group had the best White blood cells, Red blood cells, Platelets, Lymphocytes, Granulocyte cells enhancement after administering the chemotherapy drugs, followed by the third group which the mice did not have SEH®997 Concentrated Solution for preceding seven days. This evidenced that the SEH®997 Concentrated Solution has great protective effects on the mice. Meanwhile, you can find the result in the second group that the mice had Top Spring® Life Energy Water are much better than the result in the fourth group which have the same condition as the 2nd group but the mice had different water, such as R.O. water. It is also proven that the Top Spring® Life Energy Water has the function to enhance the effectiveness of nutritional supplements.

The Development Center for Biotechnology (DCB), Taiwan, accomplish the Cyclophosphamide-induced leucopenia model (Experiment 2) and confirmed that after mice administered the chemotherapy drugs “Cyclophosphamide”, administration of G-CSF white blood cell growth hormone in the second to fourth days, and feed the mice with SEH®997 Concentrated Solution and Top Spring® Life Energy Water, and SEH® 997 Concentrated Solution with R.O. water to compare with each other, and the mice in each group were phlebotomized and also conduct complete blood cell (CBC) count and differential blood cell (DC) count on the 4th、7th、and 10th day, results are as the following:

The experimental results show that the mice which had SEH®997 Concentrated Solution and Top Spring® Life Energy Water in the fourth group had the best White blood cells, Lymphocytes, Monocyte, and Granulocyte enhancement after administering the chemotherapy drugs, also the effect is better than administering G-CSF. This evidenced that having the SEH®997 Concentrated Solution in advance has great protective effects on the mice. Meanwhile, you can find the result in the fourth group that the mice having Top Spring® Life Energy Water are much better than the result in the fifth group which has the same condition as the fourth group but the mice had different water, such as R.O. water. It is also proven that the Top Spring® Life Energy Water has the function to enhance the effectiveness of nutritional supplements.