SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water


SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water is best suited for health and mixology.

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SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water is best suited for health and mixology. When used to blend with 40-degree and 60-degree distilled spirits, it can effortlessly elevate lower-tier options into smooth, non-spicy premium spirits.
For instance, adding 1/4 of SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water to whiskey or sorghum liquor with an alcohol content of around 40 degrees, or mixing half of it with 58-degree sorghum liquor, can instantly transform these high-alcohol distilled spirits into exceptionally smooth and enjoyable beverages.
You can compare it with any other brand of mineral water added to distilled spirits to immediately discern the remarkable difference.

SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water
Ingredients: Top Spring® Water, Trace seawater mineral concentrate
Function:1. Health maintenance 2. Mixology 3. Juicing 4. Homemade soy milk 5. Milk reconstitution (for infants and the elderly).
Content volume: 850 milliliters
pH Scale:6~8
Shelf life: 3 years at room temperature, as indicated on the bottle.
Imported by: SEH Biotech Inc.
Address:5th Floor, No. 226 Minquan Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City
Tel: +886 2-2969-7477
Manufacturing by: SUMMIT DEW CO., LTD.
Address: No. 1, Fujin Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County

SEH® Plus 3 Functional Water
Ingredients: Top Spring® Water, Trace seawater mineral concentrate
Function:1. Health maintenance 2. Mixology 3. Juicing 4. Homemade soy milk 5. Milk reconstitution (for infants and the elderly).
Content volume: 850 milliliters
pH Scale:6~8
Shelf life: 3 years at room temperature, as indicated on the bottle.
Imported by: SEH Biotech Inc.
Address:5th Floor, No. 226 Minquan Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City
Tel: +886 2-2969-7477
Manufacturing by: SUMMIT DEW CO., LTD.
Address:No. 1, Fujin Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County

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