SEH® 979 solución concentrada (anti-envejecimiento)

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SEH® 979 Solución concentrada (anti-envejecimiento)

Tenemos el Certificado de Registro de Instalaciones de Alimentos de US FDA.
Número de registro de US FDA : 16375280434

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SEH®979 Concentrated Solution is an optimal nutritional supplement, which is made by a unique technology in the world. SEH®979 can help adjust body composition, improve physical condition, nurture, and reinforce physical health. The manufacturing process, from material selection to production, features strict control. Certification by the third-party notary public SGS reassures compliance with safety and steady quality requirements.

SEH Biotechnology Co., Ltd. commissioned the team of Dr. Nai Cheng Yang from the Department of Nutrition of Chung Shan Medical University to conduct the efficacy evaluation experiment of anti-aging. They use Caenorhabditis Elegans (C. Elegans), which is a small-sized (approximately 1 mm long adult), transparent body bacteriophage, grows freely in temperate climate soil. Due to its simple type, easy to breed, and can also be used for genetic analysis. After scientists used nematodes as a regulation mechanism to study the genetic of cell apoptosis in 1965, nematodes became an animal model in the field of molecular biology and developmental biology. Coupled with a short and regular life cycle, the nematode model has been widely used in the study of aging, including the study of aging-related to endocrine and metabolic diet regulation.

As the current nematode life cycle test is one of the efficacy evaluation items of the anti-aging of the health food certification of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, we use the nematode life cycle to test the anti-aging potential of our SEH®979 Concentrated Solution.

Experiment 1-1
SEH979® Concentrated Solution compared with the control group (Control). The experimental results are as follows:

Experiment 1-2
SEH979® Concentrated Solution compared with the control group (Control). The experimental results are as follows:

Nematode survival analysis uses a log-rank test to compare the difference in average lifespan between each group and the control group. When the p-value is less than 0.05, it represents a significant difference compared with the control group.

The results of experiment 1-1 and experiment 1-2 showed that the average lifespan of Nematode of SEH®979 is 21.4%~27.1% longer than that of the control group. 

Experiment 2-1
SEH®979 Concentrated Solution compared with Chlorella drink. The experimental results are as follows:

The results show that SEH®979 has a significant difference compared with the control group. Its average lifespan is about 14.3% longer than that of the Chlorella drink group, while the average lifespan of Chlorella drink doesn't reach a significant difference, which means that SEH®979 is better than Chlorella drink has the effect of extending the life of nematodes.

Experiment 2-2
SEH®979 Concentrated Solution compared with NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and Cistanche tubulosa.​​​​​​ The experimental results are as follows:

The results show that SEH®979 has a significant difference compared with the control group, and its average life is about 15.7% longer than that of the NMN and Cistanche tubulosa group, while the average lifespan of NMN and Cistanche tubulosa group is not significantly different, representing SEH®979 is more effective in extending the life of nematodes than NMN and Cistanche tubulosa.

1. NMN (β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), is made of vitamin B3 in the body. It is the most direct precursor of coenzyme NAD+, it is a molecule that naturally exists in all biological cells, and it's also a supplement food that has gradually attracted attention in the market. At present, the price of NMN sold in Japan is about USD$591 per 1.5g bottle, and the price of NMN sold in Hong Kong is about USD$183 per 9g bottle.

2. Cistanche tubulosa parasitizes on the roots of tamarisk, known as the "desert ginseng". It is a precious Chinese medicinal material that can be used as traditional medicine and food. It is also a good natural supplement food.

SEH® 979 Solución concentrada (anti-envejecimiento)
Contiene: 10ml
Vida útil: 3 años
Almacenamiento: Almacenar a temperatura ambiente general.
Uso recomendado: Deje caer 5 gotas en 200-300 ml de agua potable (aproximadamente una milésima de dilución), 20-30 gotas todos los días.
1 cc = 20 gotas, 5 gotas por porción, cada botella contiene 40 porciones


Contiene: 10ml
Vida útil: 3 años
Almacenamiento: Almacenar a temperatura ambiente general.
Uso recomendado: Deje caer 5 gotas en 200-300 ml de agua potable (aproximadamente una milésima de dilución), 20-30 gotas todos los días.
1 cc = 20 gotas, 5 gotas por porción, cada botella contiene 40 porciones